Follow the critically acclaimed tale of young Amicia and her little brother Hugo, in a heartrending journey through the darkest hours of history. Hunted by Inquisition soldiers and surrounded by unstoppable swarms of rats, Amicia and Hugo will come to know and trust each other. As they struggle to survive against overwhelming odds, they will fight to find purpose in this brutal, unforgiving world.
A dark, third-person adventure set in plague-ridden France.
Guide orphans Amicia and Hugo through medieval villages as you evade deadly foes, both human and rat.
Avoid the gigantic swarms of rats to keep the young orphans alive, but manipulating the horde may provide bloody assistance on your journey.
Work with other orphans to escape the Inquisition and uncover the mystery of the plague that devastates medieval France.
Darkness is your friend and foe, hiding you from the Inquisition, but exposing you to the rats. You must decide how best to use it, and your trusty slingshot, to survive.