It looks like a movie, but don't just sit there. Shot in 16mm, it's got the look and feel of a feature film. The sweeping plot and the complex characters. Dueling Elvises and a bad guy in mittens. And it's got you, Jack Fremont – TV trivia geek with an empty fridge, now regular-guy-turned-spy. Because here's the offer: a chance to save the world… and enough money to pay the rent. Your days of watching the screen are over, Jack. You've got to observe. Think. Decide. Act. With just 24 hours to find the Fox… get rid of Frank… blow the whistle on the CIA… blow the cover off the Russian mob… snatch the cash… get the girl… and return to the tux. How it all ends – and there are ten possibilities – is up to you. So you see, it's not just your movie – it's your move.

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Fox Hunt
$99.99 – $199.99

Used - Game Only
Only 1 left in stock
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