In Ratchet and Clank, an evil race of aliens has up the resources of their home planet. Now these evil beings are crisscrossing the galaxy stealing the best parts of other planets for their own use. You guide a dynamic duo known as Ratchet and Clank against these interstellar thieves. Ratchet, a space mechanic, and his robot friend, Clank, move from planet to planet using space-age gadgets, spaceships and robots in a quest to rid the galaxy of the Blarg. As you progress from one alien planet to the next, you’ll find or purchase over 36 weapons and gadgets, including a wrench, bomb glove, grappling hook, cannon, machine gun, and rocket launcher.
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Ratchet and Clank
$12.99 – $27.99
Used - Complete
Only 2 left in stock
Used - No Manual
Only 2 left in stock
Used - Game Only
Only 1 left in stock
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