Set in SD 772, four hundred years since the climactic battle with the Ten Wise Men, humans and aliens now co-exist together in both advanced and less-developed societies, as the Galaxy Federation continues to research the cosmos to gain more influence in Space. The story begins as Star Ocean’s protagonist, Fayt Leingod, brings his family and childhood friend, Sophia Esteed, to the Federation-managed resort planet Hyda for a vacation, but the dreamy holiday is abruptly ended when Hyda is attacked by an unknown space military. Star Ocean overflows with action, exploration, fast-paced combat and an intricate plot, which results in an immensely deep gaming adventure. Character development is versatile and open-ended, allowing for true freedom in character growth through battle.
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Star Ocean Till the End of Time
$7.99 – $15.99
Used - Complete
Only 2 left in stock
Used - Game Only
Only 2 left in stock
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