Raised on a failed space station known as “Hope,” Nini returns to Earth to spend his summer in Ashihara, one of humanity’s last remaining sanctuaries. Gifted with “Demon Sight,” Nini can use his special connection to the gods to reset the world, with each loop allowing him and his allies to relive the 8th month over and over until they get it right or the Kegai overwhelm them entirely.
Choices That Can Change the World
Loop8’s emotion-driven AI system responds to every action you take and decision you make; Characters’ emotions and stories will vary greatly based on your choices, making each playthrough wholly unique
Beautiful Seaside Town Brimming with Mystery
A nostalgic and beautifully recreated snapshot of rural Japan circa 1983, Ashihara is home to a colorful cast of characters, each with secrets to uncover; Will your choices make them allies or enemies
Live an Ordinary Life, Fight Extraordinary Enemies
Build bonds with residents while protecting the town from the ever-present threat of the Kegai, repeating the cycle to uncover how your actions impact your battles in the Underworld, and vice versa
Relive the Past to Alter the Future
The deadline for humanity’s extinction draws close, Ashihara’s fate is in your hands; Repeatedly return to the start of August, alter your actions to see how they turn the tides of destiny across multiple endings
What’s Included
- Loop8 Game
- 5.25″x7.25″ softcover artbook with over 50 pages
- Musical Selections CD
- 7″x10.5″ mini wall scroll
- Authentic 4″x3.15″ Japanese wooden ema