Embark on a fantastic and humorous journey through Oddworld a changing land of creatures and crazy monsters. Munch, the Gabbit with “odditude,” and his sidekick Abe lead an off-beat revolution to save the world. With their sacred land in jeopardy of being destroyed by the greedy Glukkons, Munch and Abe team up to teach those rascals a lesson by using their chanting prowess to control the enemy, arming themselves with wacky weapons, and acquiring power-ups for extra boosts. As with the rest of the game world, the finely detailed characters and environments, as well as a refreshing charm, draw you into an experience with the quality of a Pixar film. Prepare for gaming to get very odd indeed.
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Oddworld Munch’s Oddysee
$5.99 – $7.99
Used - Complete
Only 1 left in stock
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